Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When Gauri was away

Let me tell you a story,
about this girl Gauri.
She had Madonna's smile,
I annoyed her all the while.

We would always bicker and fight,
until one day to UK, she got on a flight.
All was draggy and my boredom reached a new height.
Believe me, that was not a pleasant sight.

Xavier didn't like the empty space,
so he had Neelam have Gauri replace.
Even though Neelam filled the spot beautifully,
that left me no one to bully.

Noone in HR cabin to have a chat,
noone to shout "go away Nida, you are such a brat!!!"

Finally Xavier decided, he was also bored,
took off to the airport in his old ford.
Barely missing accidents, to the airport he reached,
Getting a ticket to Heathrow, with himself pleased.

Xavier said: "Finally with my mates I shall be,
with Carl and Paul, I shall have high tea".
Yet he decided not to send Gauri back,
Oh! come on people, cut her some slack.

Let me go back to tell you about this girl,
her eyes doey, she walked with a swirl.
Her head always bobbed up and down,
but around me, she always wore a frown.

She sits in her cabin, bored with Karthik and Khushbu,
yet she greets them everyday, with charm renew.
Don't fool her for some dumb chick,
She's one smart girl, tough as a brick.

now she's stuck in the guest house with Chirag and Bhavin,
wishing she's be home instead, with her kin.
Xavier thought, sending Monali would be a relief,
When Gauri heard this, she shook her head in disbelief!

Its only a while, when she'll be back here again,
and I can resume my job of being a pain!

1 comment:

  1. Could I be so gallant
    and proclaim that you have talent?
    Or shall I just be me
    and shout out whoopee
    for I have found a girl
    who makes an old man whirl!
