Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I cant turn back time,
Undo mistakes of mine
Things said, done- a regret
anamnesis too bitter to forget

It was hazy, but I can see now
inadvertently to distance bonds, I’d taken a vow
The happy memories, now an illusion
My present – sadness and confusion.
All that I cherished.. an apparent delusion

Looking back, I can’t construe
Was it all real? I have no clue
tried it all, a futile introspection
disoriented, I seek direction

An acerbic realization- too late to change
I’ve accepted – the derange.
Where do I go from here,
Images from the past, haunt and sneer

A struggle to move on, these grudges I hold
“you have to let go”, so I was told
cant!, these wounds are deep, the scars too old
Smile- a pretence, an ego to uphold

I’m tired of this façade, this dissembling and show.
I see the pity, the aware bestow
Its difficult to pretend that I don’t know.
The hatred, it eats me, drains me slow.

Petulance, anger – a feat to regress
through these rhymes I pour and confess
no soul to talk to, understand or express
enshrouded by darkness that has me possess

I tried, I endeavored.. an attempt to sort
from a buddy, received unexpected support
yet alls broken, balance distort
painful soldering, synapses wrought

Things I loved, kept me entertaining,
take ‘em away, it’s now suffocating.
I’m sat here alone, wondering, debating..
No point hating..
This phase should soon fade.. I’m just waiting…


  1. Oh..yaar...too good
    really nice..
    So true...

  2. Sanguinely vibrant...yet rather showering paeans for sumthin I din understand,got a question...

    poetry almost always has a precedent ranging from occasional lucid interval(aka brain farts) to utter chagrin...wats urs???

    Poetry is incomplete widout the foreplay that leads to me it looks like a cavil of discernible disdain...
